"What really determines the credibility of any one religion or belief system is the underlying foundation upon which it is built." |
The World's Religions
How did the world's major religions come into being?
Chapter Introduction
While philosophy and religion are often looked to for moral guidance, major claims concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe cannot go unnoticed. When science falls short, people turn to the suppositions of philosophy or to the supernatural of religion. What is life’s ultimate purpose? Is God the Creator Almighty?
Undoubtedly, many
modern people would boldly
demand that such questions
lie outside the realm of science,
and are therefore unanswerable.
Of course, others might claim that Hinduism or Buddhism or Islam or Judaism
or Christianity contains all the correct answers.
But what really determines the credibility of any one religion
or belief system is the underlying foundation upon
which it is built. Just as a house’s stability can only be as dependable
as the foundation upon which it is constructed, so a
belief system may only be as reliable as the foundation upon
which it is based.
In addition to summarizing some central doctrines, this
first chapter briefly explains how several of the larger worldwide
religions, or belief systems, came into being.[]