"What really determines the credibility of any one religion or belief system is the underlying foundation upon which it is built." |
The World's Religions
How did the world's major religions come into being?
- Born about 560 B.C. as a prince, son of a king in India,
Buddha was married at the age of 19 and had a son in his late
twenties. With a growing interest in matters of religion, he
left the life of a householder at that time, and went on to
search for true salvation. For six years he searched along the
two most widely recognized roads to salvation known to India:
philosophic meditation and bodily asceticism (life without
pleasures), but he yielded no results.
- So Buddha decided to take a new approach. He entered
into a process of meditation at the foot of a tree (a tree which
came to be known most simply as the Bo-tree) and said to
himself determinedly, “Though skin, nerves, and bone shall waste away, and life-blood itself be dried up, here sit I till I
attain enlightenment.”[]
- And then suddenly the answer came to him: The stumbling block to his own salvation, and the cause of all human misery, was desire, too intense desire (tanha, "thirst," "craving,") -- desire for the wrong things, arising out of the carnal will-to-live-and-have. As this insight grew within him, Buddha realized that he was now without desire. He realized that he was the Enlightened One. As he said “I have lived the highest life.”[]
- Following his experience of enlightenment, Buddha had
a discussion lasting several days with five of his former colleagues,
during which he opened to them this experience. He
challenged the five to believe his testimony, to admit that he
was an “arahat” (a monk who had experienced enlightenment),
and to try to become arahats themselves. The five people were
converted, and thus the Buddhist monastic order came into
- While Buddha wandered about preaching, other conversions
continued to follow, until the number rose to 60,
and eventually multiplied into the thousands. And as the numbers
grew, so did the Buddhist Order rulebook, in which Buddha
continually added rules and regulations to organize his
newfound religion.[]
- Religiously, Buddha’s interests were not so much in speculative
philosophy, but rather in the realm of psychology, as
the Buddhist records transmit: “Bear always in mind what it
is that I have not made clear, and what it is that I have made
clear. And what have I not made clear? I have not made clear
that the world is eternal; I have not made clear that the world
is not eternal; I have not made clear that the world is finite; I
have not made clear that the world is infinite; I have not made
clear that the soul and the body are identical; I have not made
clear that the monk who has attained (the arahat) exists after death; I have not made clear that the arahat does not exist
after death; I have not made clear that the arahat both exists
and does not exist after death; I have not made clear that the
arahat neither exists nor does not exist after death. And why
have I not made this clear? Because this profits not, nor has to
do with the fundamentals of religion; therefore I have not
made this clear.”[]
- Buddha did, however, believe that the universe abounded
in gods, goddesses, demons, and other nonhuman powers,
whom he believed to be subject to death and rebirth, just as
humans were. He also believed in the “law of karma” and in
the transmigration of souls. (He later modified both these doctrines,
- After 45 years of preaching, teaching, and constructive
planning, Buddha’s life ended unexpectedly after a meal of
pork brought on a sudden mortal illness.[]