"The alleged bodily resurrection of Jesus, if true, was very consequential concerning mankind's most fearful and important questions." |
The Unrivaled Resurrection
What do some of the world's greatest lawyers say about the event that changed history from BC to AD?
Resurrection Reasoning - Part 1
Without a doubt, the most unbelievable aspect of Christianity
is in the life of Jesus himself. In His alleged resurrection
from the dead, Jesus stands out more remarkably in history
than any other human being. It is for this reason that the
New Testament, perhaps more than any other book in history,
has been subjected to some of the most rigorous historical
and literary criticism.
Now, at the beginning of the 21st century, contemporary
scholarship has shown that the New Testament firmly stands as the most historically attested work of the ancient
All New Testament scholars agree that the Gospels (biographies
of Jesus) were written and circulated within Jesus’
generation, during the lifetime of the eyewitnesses. In fact,
many scholars argue persuasively that some of the Gospels
were written as early as the 50s A.D. (within about 30 years
of Jesus’ death). This is significant because legends and myths
usually take root in foreign lands, or centuries after an event.
The legend of Santa Claus, for instance, developed centuries
after the historical Saint Nicholas lived.[] Thus, respected
Oxford Professor Sherwin-White states that for the Gospels
to be myths or legends, the rate of legendary accumulation
would have to be “unbelievable” — more generations are
needed. He maintains that it would have been without precedent
anywhere in history for a myth to have grown up
that fast.[]
In establishing the truthfulness of the New Testament
writers as eyewitnesses to the events of their time, several points
must be considered.
First, if the writers fabricated the New Testament Gospels,
one would expect them to have construed the story in
such a way that would have been most advantageous to their
cause, rather than include embarrassing details which could
defeat their purpose. However, there are plenty such features
in the Gospel accounts which could have proved fatal had the
narratives been false.[]
One significant example is the fact that the Gospel writers
record women as the first witnesses to Jesus’ empty tomb,
and then to the resurrected Jesus himself. The significance of
this cannot be understated. Women were on a very low rung
of the social ladder in first-century Palestine,[] and their testimony
was regarded as so worthless that they were not even
allowed to serve as legal witnesses in a Jewish court of law.
In that light, it’s remarkable that the Gospel writers would
record women as the chief witnesses to the empty tomb of
Jesus and then also to the risen Jesus himself. Any fabricated
story or later legendary account, in order to gain more credibility,
would certainly have portrayed male disciples (perhaps
Peter or John) as the first to discover the tomb and see the
risen Jesus. The fact that women, rather than men, are recorded
as the first witnesses to the empty tomb is most plausibly
explained by the reality that they were, in fact, the discoverers
of the tomb.
It is these types of literary characteristics found throughout
the New Testament writings that many scholars believe
indicate its historical authenticity. Historian Will Durant explains,
“Despite the prejudices and theological preconceptions
of the [Gospel writers], they record many incidents that mere
inventors would have concealed. . . . That a few simple men
should in one generation have invented so powerful and appealing
a personality, so lofty an ethic, and so inspiring a vision
of human brotherhood, would be a miracle far more incredible
than any recorded in the Gospels.”[]
The well-known literary genius C.S. Lewis, former literary
professor at Cambridge University and fellow of Oxford
University, realized that his in-depth knowledge of literature
forced him to treat the Gospel record as a trustworthy account:
“I was by now too experienced in literary criticism to
regard the Gospels as myth.”[]