"The alleged bodily resurrection of Jesus, if true, was very consequential concerning mankind's most fearful and important questions." |
The Unrivaled Resurrection
What do some of the world's greatest lawyers say about the event that changed history from BC to AD?
Resurrection Reasoning - Part 3
It is interesting that the enemies of Christianity did not
so much try to contradict the claims of the early Christians
regarding Jesus’ missing body, as they tried instead to offer
other explanations. The Jews first reacted by saying that Jesus’
followers (the Apostles) had stolen the corpse and were lying
about His resurrection (Matt. 28:13).
However, the Apostles of the first century would have
had no possible motive for such actions. Since they were tortured,
flogged, imprisoned, beaten, and put to death for their
testimony that they had seen the resurrected Jesus, they had
nothing to gain and everything to lose by claiming what they
did about Him.[]
Generally, the reliability of eyewitness testimony can be
strengthened if it can be shown that the witness has a vested
interest in the opposite of what he testifies. One probably
would not doubt a child who confessed to a misdeed which would certainly elicit a spanking from the parent. Since the
child has a vested interest in the misdeed not occurring, if he
admits to it and risks a spanking, then it is reasonable to believe
that the child is telling the truth.
Likewise, the first century Apostles would have had a
vested interest in the opposite of what they claimed. Far from
a spanking, their punishment often resulted in serious persecution.
(Scholars agree that serious Christian persecution
started almost immediately following Jesus’ death.[]) Thus it
seems reasonable that the Apostles at least believed they had
seen Jesus risen from the dead. It surely wasn’t their commitment
to a lie, but rather what they believed to be the truth
that brought about their martyrdom. Indeed, why would the
Apostles want to deceive their own people (the Jews) into believing
in a lie when they knew this deception would mean
persecution for themselves and hundreds of their believing
According to one of the world’s foremost experts on the
Resurrection, critical scholars today have thus universally rejected
this conspiracy theory that the Apostles had stolen Jesus’
corpse and were lying about His resurrection.[]
On the other hand, could the opposing Jews or Romans
themselves have stolen Jesus’ body? Highly doubtful, because
if any of the opponents of Christianity knew the whereabouts
of Jesus’ corpse, they would certainly have exposed the whole
affair. As already explained, the quickest and surest answer to
the proclamation of the resurrection of Jesus would have been
simply to produce His corpse. Thus, no one adheres to this
theory today.
In the words of one famous journalist, in a historical
sense it is the complete failure of anyone to produce the remains
of Jesus, or to point to any tomb, official or otherwise,
in which the body remained, which ultimately destroys every
theory based on the human removal of the body.[]
However, another theory that has been raised as an alternative
explanation to the resurrection of Jesus is that He
didn’t die on the cross, but merely fainted from exhaustion
and loss of blood. He was then taken down and placed alive
in the tomb, and after a couple of days, He escaped and
convinced the disciples that He had risen from the dead.
Today, however, this theory has been entirely given up by
scholars: it would be virtually impossible medically for anyone
to have survived the severity of torture and crucifixion,
much less not to have escaped death by exposure in the tomb.
One prominent physician, Dr. Alexander Metherell, who
has extensively studied death by crucifixion, explains what
is involved:
Once a person is hanging in the vertical position,
crucifixion is essentially an agonizingly slow death
by asphyxiation [suffocation]. The reason is that
the stresses on the muscles and diaphragm put the
chest into the inhaled position; basically, in order
to exhale, the individual must push up on his feet
so the tension on the muscles would be eased for a
moment. In doing so, the nail would tear through
the foot, eventually locking up against the tarsal
bones. After managing to exhale, the person would
then be able to relax down and take another breath
in. Again he’d have to push himself up to exhale. . .
. This would go on and on until complete exhaustion
would take over, and the person wouldn’t be
able to push up and breathe anymore. . . . As the
person slows down his breathing, he goes into what
is called respiratory acidosis — the carbon dioxide
in the blood is dissolved as carbonic acid, causing
the acidity of the blood to increase. This eventually
leads to an irregular heartbeat. . . . And then the victim dies of cardiac arrest. But even before he
dies, the hypovolemic shock would cause a sustained
rapid heart rate that would have contributed
to heart failure, resulting in the collection of
fluid in the membrane around the heart, called a
pericardial effusion, as well as around the lungs,
which is called a pleural effusion. This is significant
because the New Testament records that the
Roman soldier drove a spear into Jesus’ side, apparently
through the right lung and into the heart,
resulting in the outpouring of blood and water. This
flow of blood and water would have actually been
the pericardial effusion and the pleural effusion.
The New Testament writer would have had no idea
why he saw both blood and a clear fluid come out,
yet his description is consistent with modern medical
If the soldiers wanted to speed up death, they would
break the victim’s lower leg bones.[] This would prevent him
from pushing up with his legs so he could breathe, and death
by asphyxiation would result in a matter of minutes. The Encyclopedia
Britannica notes, “Death, apparently caused by exhaustion
or by heart failure, could be hastened by shattering
the legs with an iron club, so that shock and asphyxiation
soon ended [the victim’s] life.”[] Only after a victim was confirmed
dead by the Roman soldiers would the body have been
taken down from the cross.
An article in the Journal of the American Medical Association
discussing the physical death of Jesus concluded, “Clearly,
the weight of the historical and medical evidence indicates
that Jesus was dead. . . . Interpretations based on the assumption
that Jesus did not die on the cross appear to be at odds
with modern medical knowledge.”[]