"Nobel Prize winner Dr. Francis Crick (co-discoverer of one of the most important discoveries of 20th century biology) arrived at the theory that life could never have evolved by chance on planet earth." |
Two Worldviews in Conflict
What do thousands of scientists believe about creation and evolution?
- Without a doubt, dinosaur fossils tell of the great variety
and large numbers in which the giant creatures once existed.
Gigantic fossil remains have revealed the awe-inspiring
size to which some of the dinosaur species grew. Often, one
cannot help feeling a sense of mystery about the total absence
of dinosaurs today, leading to the question, “What
caused the extinction of the dinosaurs?”
- The prevailing evolutionary explanation for why dinosaurs
disappeared is that the impact from a massive meteorite
threw up so much dust that the skies darkened, causing the
climate to cool and the vegetation sustaining the giant, coldblooded
herbivores to die. Then, with widespread starvation
among the herbivores, carnivores were left without adequate
prey on which to survive.
- However, one evolutionary book on dinosaurs explains
the many problems associated with such dinosaur extinction
theories: “Now comes the important question. What caused
all these extinctions [of dinosaurs and other animals] at one
particular point in [history]? Dozens of reasons have been suggested,
some serious and sensible, others quite crazy, and yet
others merely as a joke. Every year people come up with new
theories on this thorny problem. The trouble is that if we are
to find just one reason to account for them all, it would have
to explain the death, all at the same time, of animals living on
land and of animals living in the sea; but, in both cases, of
only some of those animals, for many of the land-dwellers and
many of the sea-dwellers went on living quite happily into the
following period. Alas, no such one explanation exists.”[]
- But one such explanation does exist, according to creationist
scientists. Like evolutionists, creationists believe that
the dinosaurs became extinct as a consequence of some major
catastrophe. But while most evolutionists believe this catastrophe
may have been a colossal meteor collision with earth, creationists believe it to be the cataclysmic, worldwide deluge
known as the Genesis flood.
- A recent discovery of thousands of fossilized dinosaur
eggs shows that dinosaur eggs were only about the size of little
grapefruits (including species which grew up to 50 feet long).[] So from a creationist perspective, very young (thus very small)
dinosaurs could have been taken aboard Noah’s ark with ample
room to spare, but not have survived as long in the new environment
following the Genesis flood. (Interestingly, it is acknowledged
by evolutionists that the eggs were rapidly buried
in silt from a flood.[])
- After the Flood, the land animals that survived on the
ark would have found their new world to be much different
than the one before. Due to (1) competition for food that was
no longer in abundance, (2) the destruction of habitats, (3)
man hunting for food, and (4) other catastrophes, many species
of animals would have continued to eventually die out
even after the Flood. Today numerous animal species become
extinct every year — extinction seems to be the rule in earth
history.[] Thus, the group of animals now called dinosaurs
could have simply died out in addition to the other animals
that became extinct after the Flood.
- As described in the previous section, many sea creatures
would have died out during the Genesis flood, but some would
have survived. In addition, all of the land animals outside of
the ark would have died, but the representatives of many of
the kinds that survived on the ark would have continued to
live in the new world after the Flood. Indeed, these points
alone explain satisfactorily, as noted above, “the death, all at
the same time, of animals living on land and of animals living
in the sea; but, in both cases, of only some of those animals.”
- It can thus be seen that although evolutionists believe
“no such one explanation exists,” they probably have not considered
the creation model, which can satisfactorily explain the observed data surrounding the extinction of the dinosaurs and other animals.
- Is there a dinosaur/dragon relationship? Clearly, it seems
far-fetched, at first, to imagine dinosaurs living alongside mankind.
After all, Hollywood films such as Jurassic Park portray
dinosaurs as vicious predators who ruled the earth. But, actually,
even evolutionists believe that most dinosaurs were not
the vicious predators often pictured, but rather, just vegetarians
or scavengers! In fact, the American Museum of Natural
History acknowledges that, based on the evidence to date, meateating
dinosaurs such as T. rex, the most famous of all fearsome
dinosaurs, may not have been the ferocious predators
often imagined: “While the Tyrannosaurus rex is posed as if it
is stalking prey, we do not in fact know for sure whether meateating
dinosaurs such as this were active hunters — tracking
down, attacking, and killing prey — or scavengers, feeding on
the carcasses of other dinosaurs.”[] Significantly, many animals today that might look like vicious killers are often not.[]
- Since it is known that dinosaurs indeed lived alongside
other mammals in the past, there is no reason to assume that
dinosaurs could not have been contemporaries with mankind
as well.[] Stories abound of ancient legends of dragons, sea
serpents, and monsters, such as the Beowulf epic, and St.
George and the Dragon. Tales of enormous fire-breathing
monsters can be found in diverse parts of the world. Interestingly,
ancient depictions of these dragons tend to exhibit one
recurring observation: they bear a remarkable resemblance to
today’s dinosaur fossil reconstructions. Indeed, the article on
dragons in the 1949 edition of Encyclopedia Britannica noted
that dinosaurs are “astonishingly dragon-like.” The most recent
edition of the Encyclopedia notes that the belief in dragons
“apparently arose without the slightest knowledge on the
part of the ancients of the gigantic, prehistoric, dragon-like
reptiles [dinosaurs].”[]
- It may simply be a coincidence that, before dinosaur
bones were discovered about 150 years ago, ancient people
depicted creatures which highly resemble today’s fossil dinosaur
reconstructions. But is it necessarily a coincidence? Is it possible
that such drawings and stories have a basis in real past
encounters with dinosaurs, suggesting that at least some dinosaurs
might have been contemporaries with mankind in
the past? Even the biblical Book of Job describes some creatures
whose descriptions strongly resemble a dinosaur (Job
40:15–24; Job 41). Scholars have suggested that Job may be
the oldest book of the Bible; perhaps he was an eyewitness to
these animals. This is one of the very few animals in the Bible
that is singled out for such a detailed description, suggesting
that Job knew what this animal looked like and lived alongside
Breathing Fire
- That large dragon-like creatures (dinosaurs) once roamed
the earth is certainly evidenced by the fossil record. But breathing
fire? Surely preposterous. Even if dragon stories do have
basis in real past encounters with dinosaurs, it is likely these
accounts have also accumulated some mythical elements over
the centuries, such as breathing fire. But consider these bizarre
- Some dinosaurs (specifically the Lambeo-saurus) are
particularly notable for the hatchet-shaped hollow
bony crest on top of their skulls. The Encyclopedia
Britannica describes this crest as containing “complex
chamber extensions of the breathing passage
between the nostrils and the [main tube by which
air enters the lungs].” The article notes that “the
function of these chambers is not known,” although
various uses have been suggested.[]
- One possibility is that these complex breathing
chambers may have been similar in concept to the
reaction chamber of an insect called the bombardier
beetle. This little beetle is endowed with an
ability to imitate exploding gunpowder. Little sacs
at the tip of its abdomen spray a noxious fluid at
boiling-hot temperatures. The fluid itself consists
of toxins called quinones that react explosively (at
an estimated rate of 500 bursts per second) in an
internal “combustion” chamber with hydrogen peroxide,
which is also produced by the beetle and
stored in a separate body compartment.[]
- With complex chambers in their breathing passages,
could certain dinosaurs have had the same kind of defense
system operating from their heads as the bombardier beetle
(i.e., some type of fire-breathing capabilities)? To date, there
has been no other definitive explanation for these dinosaurs’
strange head-crest chambers.