"Nobel Prize winner Dr. Francis Crick (co-discoverer of one of the most important discoveries of 20th century biology) arrived at the theory that life could never have evolved by chance on planet earth." |
Two Worldviews in Conflict
What do thousands of scientists believe about creation and evolution?
The Creation Model
- The biblical Book of Genesis describes a great cataclysmic
flood that supposedly covered the entire earth approximately
4,500 years ago.[] Famously known as the story of
Noah’s ark, this flood was to destroy every living creature on
earth except one man named Noah, his wife, their sons and
their son’s wives, seven pairs of each animal that was approved
by God for eating and sacrificing, seven pairs of every kind of
bird, and one pair of every other kind of animal, male and
female; all these were saved in a large boat (or ark).
- While evolutionists dismiss this biblical account as plainly
mythical, most creationist scientists see it as a literal historical
fact. In fact, a literal interpretation of this account is central
to the creation model. Yet, if this biblical account is to be
taken seriously, it must be demonstrated that the story is not
unreasonable to believe as an actual fact of history. If such a
worldwide flood occurred sometime in the past, the account
should stand up to an objective analysis; not only must it be
reasonable, there should also be evidence to support its claims.[]
- Recall that the best and most likely way for a fossil to be
produced is by the rapid burial of a creature at the time of its
death. A worldwide flood, then, would be a good explanation
of how most of the fossils around the globe could have been
produced. Millions of living creatures all over the earth would
have naturally been quickly killed, buried, and fossilized in
such a great cataclysm.
- Thus, if the biblical account of a global flood and its
aftermath is true, one would not only expect to find sedimentary
layers (rocks laid down by water) all over the earth, but
one would also expect these rocks to contain the fossil remains
of many kinds of creatures. Where there are similar
types of creatures alive today, these fossils would be basically
the same as their living representatives — for example, bats
would still look like bats, and turtles like turtles.
- Indeed, these predictions are observed to be fulfilled.
Today most of the earth’s surface (80 to 90 percent) is in fact
composed of sedimentary rock,[] consistent with the expected
results of a biblical global flood. And many fossils highly resemble
today’s creatures — that is, fossil bats look like today’s
bats, and fossil turtles like today’s turtles.
- Additionally, many types of animals that lived before the Flood would have died out. Many marine creatures, for
example, would have died out during the Flood, and many
land creatures would also have become extinct during the succeeding centuries. Thus, one would predict that many creatures
would be found in the fossil record that look quite unrelated
to anything alive today. Again, that is exactly what is
found. For instance, the pterosaurs (flying reptiles), as well as
the dinosaurs and many other extinct types of animals can be
observed in the fossil record, but are not living today.
Noah's Ark
- How could the ark described above have possibly carried
all the different types of animals?
- The Genesis “kind” of animal is undoubtedly a more
flexible term than the biological species. Many of today’s species
of animals could have descended from these different
“kinds.” Thus, if the scientific genus is taken to be equal to the
biblical “kind,”[] then this would result in about 8,000 genera,
and therefore, nearly 16,000 animals on the ark (this accounts
for both live animals and extinct animals known from
- Noah would not have needed to take sea creatures because
they would not necessarily be threatened with extinction
by a flood. However, turbulent water would cause massive
carnage, as seen in the fossil record, and many oceanic
species probably would have become extinct because of the
Flood. Noah would not have needed to take plants either —
many could have survived as seeds, and others could have survived
on floating mats of vegetation. Many insects and other
invertebrates were small enough to have survived on these mats
as well.[] The ark had to transport only land animals, so the
mammals, birds, and reptiles were essentially all that would
have needed accommodations.
- There would have been ample space available on the ark
to store these animals. According to the biblical record, the
ark measured about 137x23x14 meters or 450x75x45 feet,[] so its volume was about 44,000 m3 or 1.5 million cubic feet. To put this in perspective, this is the equivalent volume of
about 522 standard American railroad stock cars, each of which
can hold about 240 sheep. So the ark could have carried over
125,000 fully-grown sheep. The animals, however, did not have
to be fully grown. The largest animals could have been represented
by “teenage” or even younger specimens. The average
size of the animals on the ark could actually have been that of
a small rat, according to up-to-date tabulations, while only
about 11 percent may have been much larger than a sheep.[]
- According to the biblical account, the ark was constructed
in three stories, and each was fitted with “rooms” or “nests”
— evidently tiers of cages or stalls — to store the different
kinds of animals (Gen. 6:14). If the animals were kept in cages
with an average size of about 20x20x12 inches, i.e., 4,800
cubic inches, then 16,000 animals would occupy only 42,000
cubic feet, or about 14 of 522 railroad stock cars. However,
even assuming the average size of the animals to be that of
fully-grown sheep rather than that of small rats, they would
occupy only about 15 percent of the available ark space (i.e.,
75 of 522 available railroad stock cars). Thus, there would
have been ample room for food storage and living quarters for
Noah and his family.
- Although there also would have been plenty of room for
the animals to get exercise, once they were safely on board,
lodged in their stalls, and properly fed, many of the animals
could have settled down for a long period of dormancy, or
Post-Flood animal migration
- A common objection that is often raised is, “Following
the flood, how did animals get from the ark to isolated places,
such as Australia?” However, evolutionary anthropologists
themselves have no difficulty in acknowledging that men and
animals were once freely able to cross the Bering Strait, which separates Asia and the Americas. In fact, before the idea of
continental drift became popular, evolutionists taught and
believed that a lowering of the sea level in the past would mean
that there were land bridges enabling dry-land passage from
Europe most of the way to Australia, for example. The existence
of some deep-water stretches along this route is consistent
with this explanation; evolutionary geologists themselves
believe there have been major tectonic upheavals, accompanied
by substantial rising and falling of sea-floors, in the timeperiod
associated with the Ice Age.[] This would have made it
possible for animals to migrate over land or ice bridges for
- In fact, there is a widespread, but mistaken, belief that
marsupials (such as kangaroos) are found only in Australia.
But live marsupials are found also in the Americas, and fossil
marsupials on every continent. Likewise, monotremes, such
as the platypus, were once thought to be unique to Australia,
but the recent discovery of a platypus fossil in South America
stunned the scientific community![] Therefore, even in evolutionary
terms, since marsupials are all believed to have come
from a common ancestor, migration between Australia and
other areas must have been possible.
Racial Diversity
- Succeeding the biblical worldwide flood story, it follows
that all humans on earth today would be descended from a
group of eight people: Noah, his wife, his three sons, and their
wives. Because today there are obvious differences between
“races” (i.e., skin color), many believe that a literal interpretation
of the biblical record must be impossible; such diversity
could only have arisen by evolving separately over tens of thousands
of years.
- Modern genetics show, however, that when a large freely
interbreeding group is suddenly broken into many smaller groups which from then on breed only among themselves,
different racial characteristics will arise very rapidly. A simple
lesson in heredity shows that one pair of middle-brown colored
parents could produce children of all known shades of
color, from very light to very dark, in just one generation.
- The biblical record contends that for several centuries
there was only one language and one culture group in the
world. If so, this would mean there would be no barriers to
marriage within this group, which would tend to keep the
skin color of the population away from the extremes. Very
dark and very light skin would appear, of course, but people
tending in either direction would be free to marry someone
less dark or less light than themselves, ensuring that the average
color stayed roughly the same. Under these circumstances,
distinct racial lines would never emerge. This is true for animals
as well as human populations. To obtain separate racial
lines, one would need to break a large breeding group into
smaller groups and keep them separate, that is, not interbreeding
any more.
- If the Bible is taken literally regarding its claim that the
“whole world spoke a single language” and that God subsequently
confused mankind by supernaturally “giving them
many languages, thus scattering them across the earth,”[] people would have consequently begun to break up into
smaller breeding groups. Once separate languages were imposed,
there would have been instantaneous barriers. Not only
would people tend not to marry someone they couldn’t understand,
but entire groups which spoke the same language
would have difficulty relating to and trusting those who did
not speak the same language. Thus, humanity would have
been broken into smaller “breeding” groups, and would therefore
begin to develop distinguishing “racial” characteristics in
a very short period of time.