"Nobel Prize winner Dr. Francis Crick (co-discoverer of one of the most important discoveries of 20th century biology) arrived at the theory that life could never have evolved by chance on planet earth." |
Two Worldviews in Conflict
What do thousands of scientists believe about creation and evolution?
- Some stars are millions — even billions — of light-years
away. Since a light-year is the distance traveled by light in one
year, doesn’t this mean that the light now received from such
a star has taken millions of years to get here? How could light
possibly get to earth, it is asked, from stars which are billions
of light years away, unless the universe is at least billions of
years old?
- Recently, a top creationist scientist, physicist Dr. Russell
Humphreys, winner of several scientific awards, has presented
an interesting possibility.[] He points out that the real question
is “how far away were the galaxies when the light started out on
its trip to us?” Dr. Humphreys has found a solution to Einstein’s
gravitational field equations which may allow a very rapid expansion
of space and all things in it.[] Thus, the starlight would
have begun its journey when galaxies were much closer (and
also much smaller and less energetic) than today. This is a rather
different theory than the popular “big-bang” cosmology; it raises
the mathematical possibility that the universe inflated to its
present size in only thousands of years, contrasted with the
traditional billions of years commonly believed.[]
- Educational science textbooks sometimes note that origins
theories such as the big bang are based largely on speculation,
and as such may have their flaws. Dr. Keith Wanser,
professor of physics at California State University, affirms
that the confident public image of the “certainty” of the latest
physical theories, including big-bang cosmology, is a far
cry from reality. “The sad thing is that the public is so overawed
by these things, just because there is complex maths
involved. They don’t realize how much philosophical speculation
and imagination is injected along with the maths —
these are really stories that are made up.” Furthermore, he
says, “People look at the sort of science that put men on the
moon, and they put these ‘big-bang’ theories in the same
basket. They’re unaware of all the speculation and uncertainty
(even rule-bending) there is in physical theories of
origins.”[] Dr. Wanser’s primary field of interest is experimental
and theoretical condensed matter physics; he has
authored about 50 published scientific papers, and also holds
seven U.S. patents.